Two moons marks United Nations Zero Discrimination Day

Launch of Two Moon Web Platform marks the United Nation Zero Discrimination Day, an opportunity to join together against discrimination and celebrate everyone’s right to live a full and productive life with dignity, irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other attributes. Ageism stereotypes and discriminates against people because they are old, denying them the full enjoyment of their human rights such as the right to work and the right to make decisions about their care.

In Ireland the Positive Ageing National Indicator Report 2016 found that over half (52%) of people aged 65+ reported that they felt discriminated against because of their age in the past two years. A more recent study ‘Towards an Age-Friendly Ireland: Ageism and Older People in 2018’ by Active Retirement Ireland found 42 per cent of research participants had direct experience of health-related ageism.

Two Moons will develop education resources that will raise awareness of human rights protected under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the United Nation Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD). Many older people face discrimination; they are unaware of their rights and their relevance to their day-to-day live, knowing about your rights empowers you to challenge those who try to take them away. With the help of older people in Ireland Finland, Italy and Romania, a booklet and a documentary drama will be created retelling the stories of incidents where older people have not had their rights met with the aim of raising awareness among older people, their families, public bodies and wider community of situations where the rights of older people are not upheld.

The web platform just launched will feature news, blogs, project resources and updates, such as reports, policy briefs as well as opportunities for engagement e.g. events, workshops and face to face training sessions.
